I made this project for the annual competition of JIIA Japan Interior Industry Association
interior.or.jp. The 3D
visualization of the project was done by my student Hristo Handzhiyski ico_hana@yahoo.com ffrom the
course of specialty Industrial Designof the Technical University Varna.
The topic of this competition was an interiorof the apartment in a block of flats.Only the
outside walls had been given.The condominium would be used by 3 members(later
4-members) family, coming back from abroad. The wife teaches students at home to
ikebana and tea ceremony.
II have chosen for this project the title of the Shakespeares comedy As You
Like Itbecause of the task for flexibility of the space. As for European architect,
living in Japan,for me was not easy to image the stile of living of this family: Japanese,
Western or any mix between both. In addition when I show to my Japanese colleague and
friend K.Kowatary my sketches, she joked that in beginning when F. Ll. Wright came in
Japan,he began to do similar things but later he entered in the right way.So I
was totally lost everything in Japanese home was opposite from our European logic
and I tried to make any symbiosis by the both spatial considerations.
I chose these basic points for the project:
1. To concentrate the corridor, the bathroom, toilet and the kitchen as near as it is
possible to the outside pipe space so that avoids loosing of space for rooms.
2.To use almost all-possible windows for living rooms and possibility for natural
3.A part of the apartment to be able to function separately from the rest space. Outside
visitors could enter in this space directly when the left door in the entrance corridor
4.Possibility to maximum number of rooms to be closed. |